Putting Your Garden to Rest During Autumn

Autumn is here, in all of her splendor, and it is a sight to behold. The cooler weather creeps closer and closer as the length of daylight decreases, the leaves turning their decadent shades of orange, red, yellow, and brown before flooding the ground beneath the trees. The lushness of our summer gardens has faded, leaving us with the skeleton of our plants and the remnants of our waning harvest. Of course, many of us may extend our growing season throughout the fall and winter by planting cold-weather hardy vegetables like kale, collards, parsnips, beetroot, etc, but for the most part, fall marks the end of a busy growing season. As much as we all love gardening, there isn’t anything wrong with taking time away from it. We can use the cooler weather to hibernate and daydream about the warmer…

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